Password recovery
  • Type in your email address in the field and click SEND.
  • Once you receive the automated email, click the blue RECOVER PASSWORD button to start the recovery procedure.
  • Type in and confirm your new password.
  • Log in using the new credentials.
Email was sent

Email address assigned to this account requires confirmation. Check your email for further instructions.

Email was sent

Follow the link in the email to begin the password recovery procedure.

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Let’s create something cool.

Scroll down to find out what working at MotionVFX feels like

A space to create great things.

And we don’t just mean office space. You will be given a lot of freedom to create and bring the best products to our users. Then you’ll be able to see your work being used in Hollywood products, TV stations, advertising, top global YouTubers' content and feel proud.

A lot going on, teamwork helps.

We are constantly looking for new ideas, new designs, new technologies to bring to our users – this never gets done by one person. You lead the work and focus on an item or a task, but you always have the whole team backing you, helping you out when needed.


Apple love. It’s mutual.

We all love Apple products here, and it helps us create better products for FCP, so both sides are happy. We're by far the most recommended plug-in developer by Apple on their official FCP website.

Do the math.

Passion + Learning + Fun = MotionVFX


7 years with MotionVFX

I really appreciate the people. I had a lot of support from the team, especially in the beginning. This is what I cherish the most.


16 years with MotionVFX

We create stunning and diversified stuff, so you can’t get bored. Progress and professional growth come daily.


14 years with MotionVFX

I love working at MotionVFX because it doesn’t feel like working. I come here to do things that make me happy with my friends.