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Movie-inspired Cinematic Openers for Final Cut Pro

Movie-inspired Cinematic Openers Exclusively For Final Cut Pro

Watch trailer

See these spectacular openers in action!

Watch tutorial

Learn how to best apply this plugin to your projects.

Add instant Hollywood vibe to your edits

Illustrate your work with these cinematic openers and give it the professional, top-level quality it deserves.

Blockbuster intros tailored to your needs

Captivate your viewers with the visual layout that will stay in memory and make them crave more.

Polished to the highest degree

Iconic design of these titles was inspired by the most recognizable productions.

Animation and cameras were carefully crafted to guarantee smooth movement and dynamism.

Astounding effects make every preset unique and create a breathtaking experience.

Diversified Titles

Choose your style and suit any project with a movie-like opener.


Evoke emotions

Induce different feelings in your audience with the specific atmosphere of a chosen design.

Technical specifications

Minimal requirements macOS 10.15.7,
Motion 5.5 or Final Cut Pro 10.5
Aspect ratio Horizontal or vertical
Includes 46 FCP titles
Size 684.2 MB
Music used in trailer – By the sword
Music used in tutorial – Morning Sunbeams – Free Radicals – The Haunt


After purchasing, the product is instantly available for download via mInstaller.

Aspect: Aspect ratio: horizontal / vertical