Password recovery
  • Type in your email address in the field and click SEND.
  • Once you receive the automated email, click the blue RECOVER PASSWORD button to start the recovery procedure.
  • Type in and confirm your new password.
  • Log in using the new credentials.
Email was sent

Email address assigned to this account requires confirmation. Check your email for further instructions.

Email was sent

Follow the link in the email to begin the password recovery procedure.

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Step into the future with all our best tools at your fingertips.

4,000+ top-quality motion design elements & AI‑powered captions tools for Final Cut Pro, just a drag‑and‑drop away from your timeline.

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50 Luminous Light Transitions for Final Cut Pro

5 GB of data

Light up your edits
with organically radiant transitions

Realistic and organic effects like these can make
any edit brighter and full of natural lighting.

Built exclusively for
Final Cut Pro X

Drag & Drop

Dedicated entirely to FCPX
to assure smooth and efficient workflow.

Ready for
highest resolutions

We made sure our transitions are compatible with your every edit
without any additional transformations.


mTransition Shine

Hover on thumbnail to view animation

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Make your project shine

mTransition Shine is a must-have collection of luminous transitions.
It's overflowing with beautiful leaks, glows and shimmers,
which bring dynamism in-between the shots to liven up
every topic you're working on.